Peter Berg (1937-2011) The social revolutionary thinker, writer, ecologist, environmental activist and founder of Planet Drum Foundation died on July 28, 2011 after a sudden case of pneumonia complicated by his bout with lung cancer. Peter Berg was an unforgettable personality for anyone who made his acquaintance over the past several decades.

Planet Drum Foundation

Planet Drum The original voice of bioregionalism, founded by Peter Berg in San Franciso in 1973, and still going strong. Currently run by Judy Goldhaft. Defines a bioregion as “a distinct area with coherent and interconnected plant and animal communities, and natural systems, often defined by a watershed. A bioregion is a whole “life-place” with …

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Our Bioregional Future

Bioregionalism is not a new idea. Arguably, all civilizations prior to our own have lived bioregionally, adapting themselves to local conditions and trading within a limited biogeographic region. Modern civilization is the first to “go global,” creating extensive and often fragile supply chains in the effort to maximize profit. Modern nation-states are also bounded by …

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